These images are part of a documentary series that explores the nature of the School Crossing Guide in our society. At one end the photographs unmask the uniformity and formality of the crossing guide, exposing the familiar human from our street corner. We see that which makes them more: the lollipop man or woman. Their ordinary uniqueness that earns the inspiration and friendship of a child. They hold the values of a supportive, functional community: their role is a tradition of safety and a linchpin of society. To many children, the crossing guide is one of their earliest colleagues.
At the other end this project is a reminder of the strain on the relationship between guide and child through modernity, technology, child security fears and the dwindling numbers of full-time guides. Still, there remains nothing to which we would entrust the innocence of our children but another human. It is this person who stands at the crossing of the two views this project explores. This same person stands at the crossing every day in every condition.
Images nominated for AOP student of the year 2011